Enrique Cavelier

I am a Landscape Architect and Spatial Researcher who believes in the capacity of design to transform our current realities by imagining radical futures and enacting change.


︎︎︎Selected Work

︎︎︎Public Realm & Landscape

︎︎︎Framework Planning

︎︎︎Public-Use Buildings

︎︎︎Design Research





Pido la Palabra

Academic Research 


Jane Rendell 


Cajicá, Colombia



    By understanding conversations as the first step in co-producing cities, PIDO LA PALABRA  (I want to address)  is a project that aims to produce discussions between individuals and communities who would not usually speak to one another. These exchanges become tools for imagination and experimentation of new ways of acting in public and have the potential to understand the power of agency.

    The project creates a new color chart that allows us to value actions depending on how they relate to community building, ecological protection, community corruption, and environmental destruction. The project proposes to use this new value system to create color posters with simple phrases exploring ideas of individual actions about city-making and to spark conversations between people in Cajicá (Colombia), which become new imaginaries and tools to engage in city-making. The project is open-sourced and collaborative as it works through an online platform that allows people to create and display their posters online and to download and print the banners to hang them in the public space. The project exists offline in the public areas of Cajicá and online on the internet, creating conversations in the different media, platforms, and spaces where the contemporary city is nowadays produced.

© Enrique Cavelier 2023