Enrique Cavelier

I am a Landscape Architect and Spatial Researcher who believes in the capacity of design to transform our current realities by imagining radical futures and enacting change.


︎︎︎Selected Work

︎︎︎Public Realm & Landscape

︎︎︎Framework Planning

︎︎︎Public-Use Buildings

︎︎︎Design Research





Bond With The Land

Academic Research | Studio Project


Cristian Umana

Project Partner

Gina Ford


Oregon, USA



    Bond with the Land constructs a relationship of mutual healing between the self and the landscape, using the natural forces of fire and water experienced through daily, seasonal, and geological time scales to connect the Parrott Creek youth to themselves, the site, and the region. The reconfiguration of the architecture allows for view corridors that actively engage with the landscape while providing dedicated spaces for classrooms, therapy, dormitories, administration, and community activities. An accessible woodland trail unlocks the potential of the 80-acre site, inviting the youth to experience daily weather in the rain garden and dynamic sunsets at the firepit, witness seasonal fluctuations in flora and fauna at the wetland and controlled burn sites, and take in the natural processes that shaped the valley from the fire tower. The water and fire program matrices and the corresponding badge cards reveal how elements across the site can be activated at various scales, from intimate to public, allowing for flexibility in adapting to the individual journeys of the youth, and nurturing places for comfort and aspirations for progress and growth.

© Enrique Cavelier 2023